We are officially ringing in the pre-Christmas season and would therefore like to provide the first Christmas magic: with our November donation, we are supporting the “Weihnachten im Schuhkarton” campaign and are therefore sponsoring the shipment of a total of 150 boxes.
Together against child poverty! This month we handed over our donation to "Klartext für Kinder e.V.". The non-profit association in Moers has been campaigning against child poverty since 2008.
Smile please: since 1999 the World Smile Day has always taken place on the first Friday in October - we would like to take this opportunity to give you a smile.
We surprised the children at Stepke-KiTa Sinneszauber in Moers-Meerbeck with 150 coloring sets, which were distributed to 5 groups at the donation handover at the end of August. Now the 88 children aged 1-6 can give free rein to their artistic creativity.
We are heading into the summer vacation and wish you a great summer with lots of sun, ice cream and good spirits. At the end of August we will start again with exciting topics - look forward to it.
We were able to put a smile on the faces of the children and young people at the Gotteshütte in Hückeswagen before our summer break. With our monthly donation, wishes can come true - so the children can look forward to vouchers from the Heinhaus toy and leather goods store and the H&M fashion store.
I It's not just the sun that's currently making us shine, but also a beautiful splendour of flowers. On the occasion of our 150th anniversary this month, we handed over our donation to St. Marien-Kirche in Moers, allowing 150 bee and insect-friendly plants to be planted.