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I. Provider identification / Imprint
Joh. Clouth GmbH
Johann-Clouth-Str. 1 – 5
D-42499 Hückeswagen

Phone +49 2192 853-0
Fax +49 2192 853-333

Legal form: Joh. Clouth GmbH
District Court Cologne, Commercial Register Division HRB 108967

Managing Directors:
Kevin Callus
Dr. Jörg Koßmann
Kai Modtler
Stefan Wurth

VAT ID no. according to § 27a of Value Added Tax Act: VAT-ID No.:

II. Legal information

§ 1 Liability for content, hyperlinks
We are responsible for own content of our sites according to general law.
We have prudently established the information contained in this Internet offer and
constantly endeavour to update the site. However, we are not able to warrant the
correctness, topicality, completeness and ongoing availability. We provide binding
information, consultation, recommendations or declarations exclusively in the context of
individual communication.
We reserve the right to change, amend, abbreviate or completely cease our Internet offer
at any time. We are also not responsible that contents of our Internet offer are suitable for
the user and his purposes.
Our offer also contains links to third-party websites, the content of which is outside our
sphere of influence. We are not adopting these contents in any way and are not liable for
them. The respective provider is exclusively responsible for the contents of the linked
websites. We were not aware of illegal content of the linked sites. However, subsequent
control of the content of the linked Websites at any time is not feasible without specific
indications of a breach of law. Please inform us immediately if our links have led you to
sites the content of which seem questionable to you.
As soon as infringements based on the content of the linked sites become known to us, we
shall remove such links immediately. This declaration applies for all links incorporated in
our sites.

§ 2 Technical information
Errors may occur at the digitalisation of data. Deviations may occur in the illustration of the
contents due to the application of different Internet browsers and individual software

§ 3 Area of retrieval
Our Internet offer is intended for the area of the Federal Republic of Germany and
established based on the German legal system. Retrieval of our offer from areas outside of
Germany was not intended by us. We are not liable for the fact that our Internet offer is
suitable, applicable or legally admissible for users of other countries.

§ 4 Copyright
The content, design and structure of our Internet offer are copyright protected and we
explicitly reserve all proprietary rights. Particularly the copying, processing, distribution and
any type of utilisation require our written consent, unless the measure is permitted by law
without consent. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private
usage, not for commercial usage. Placing hyperlinks on our Internet site, particularly Deep
Links, Inline Links or other links in Frame technology, is only admissible with our prior
written consent.

§ 5 Usage Rights to the photos
Here is where the usage rights to the photos on the following websites lie:

Job Portal:  515842876 © EtiAmmos/
Apprenticeship at Clouth: 57959204 © goodluz/
Contact: 573034090 © sdecoret/
Trade fair dates: 172069703 © hxdbzxy/
Media Library & Terms and Conditions: 243987565 © Eugenio Marongiu/
Mission Statement: 133395505 © Sashkin/
Imprint: 73637495 © Marco2811/
Data protection: 135187239 © krass99/
Clouth:Ticker: George Dolgikh/; © demockups/; 224715400 © Zerbor/
Sitemap:  317704951 © CrazyCloud/

I. Provider identification / Imprint

Clouth Sprenger GmbH
Johann-Clouth-Str. 1 – 5
D-42499 Hückeswagen

Phone +49 2192 853-500
Fax +49 2192 853-333

Legal form: Clouth Sprenger GmbH
District Court Cologne, Commercial Register Division HRB 50207

Managing Director:
Kevin Callus
Dr. Jörg Koßmann
Kai Modtler
Stefan Wurth

VAT ID no. according to § 27a of Value Added Tax Act:
VAT-ID No.: DE226824653

II. Legal information

§ 1 Liability for content, hyperlinks
We are responsible for own content of our sites according to general law.
We have prudently established the information contained in this Internet offer and
constantly endeavour to update the site. However, we are not able to warrant the
correctness, topicality, completeness and ongoing availability. We provide binding
information, consultation, recommendations or declarations exclusively in the context of
individual communication.
We reserve the right to change, amend, abbreviate or completely cease our Internet offer
at any time. We are also not responsible that contents of our Internet offer are suitable for
the user and his purposes.
Our offer also contains links to third-party websites, the content of which is outside our
sphere of influence. We are not adopting these contents in any way and are not liable for
them. The respective provider is exclusively responsible for the contents of the linked
websites. We were not aware of illegal content of the linked sites. However, subsequent
control of the content of the linked Websites at any time is not feasible without specific
indications of a breach of law. Please inform us immediately if our links have led you to
sites the content of which seem questionable to you.
As soon as infringements based on the content of the linked sites become known to us, we
shall remove such links immediately. This declaration applies for all links incorporated in
our sites.

§ 2 Technical information
Errors may occur at the digitalisation of data. Deviations may occur in the illustration of the
contents due to the application of different Internet browsers and individual software

§ 3 Area of retrieval
Our Internet offer is intended for the area of the Federal Republic of Germany and
established based on the German legal system. Retrieval of our offer from areas outside of
Germany was not intended by us. We are not liable for the fact that our Internet offer is
suitable, applicable or legally admissible for users of other countries.

§ 4 Copyright
The content, design and structure of our Internet offer are copyright protected and we
explicitly reserve all proprietary rights. Particularly the copying, processing, distribution and
any type of utilisation require our written consent, unless the measure is permitted by law
without consent. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private
usage, not for commercial usage. Placing hyperlinks on our Internet site, particularly Deep
Links, Inline Links or other links in Frame technology, is only admissible with our prior
written consent.

§ 5 Usage Rights to the photos
Here is where the usage rights to the photos on the following websites lie:

Job Portal:  515842876 © EtiAmmos/
Apprenticeship at Clouth: 57959204 © goodluz/
Contact: 573034090 © sdecoret/
Trade fair dates: 172069703 © hxdbzxy/
Media Library & Terms and Conditions: 243987565 © Eugenio Marongiu/
Mission Statement: 133395505 © Sashkin/
Imprint: 73637495 © Marco2811/
Data protection: 135187239 © krass99/
Clouth:Ticker: George Dolgikh/; © demockups/; 224715400 © Zerbor/
Sitemap:  317704951 © CrazyCloud/