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Doctor holder service executed by Clouth Sprenger GmbH

Avatar of Clouth Media Crew Clouth Media Crew - November 2021

Clouth Sprenger GmbH not only stands for excellent and innovative products such as the CERADIA® creping blades or the GALENO creping doctor holder, but also has a team of experts on hand to offer active support and advice on the subject ‘maintenance and service of doctor holder systems for the tissue machines’.

Put on the Test

To ensure an optimum performance of the doctor blade holders, we recommend  a regular maintenance and calibration of the system solutions in use. Every one to two years, or in the event of anomalies, a team of experienced experts from the Clouth Group comes and checks all the important parameters on site. Such regular inspection of your machine ensures that the doctor blades are used under optimal conditions. Checking and rectifying any anomalies reduces malfunctions or unplanned machine downtimes caused by undetected defects on the doctor blade holder. For you, this means an increased machine availability, maximised productivity and the best possible use of the doctor blade.

How is the Service Run?

During a preliminary discussion, the client can report possible anomalies. While the inspection of the Clouth Group's system solutions, first of all, the installation position and condition of the support blade used, the doctor cartridge, and the stick-out of the doctor blade above the support blade are examined. If a Conformatic hose is in use, this is also tested. During this check, our experienced specialists also closely observe the movements of the doctor holder and evaluate the results accordingly. It is also important to visually check the bearings and the supply lines for wear and tightness as well as to check the function and condition, the operating parameters and the adjusting elements of the brackets, and the doctor blade holder itself.

It’s All a Matter of Setting

Following the inspection and adjustment, the customer receives a detailed report with all measured and inspected results. Any anomalies, such as unusual angles, are discussed with those responsible for the process on site and these are rectified after consultation then. In addition, the doctor holder angles required by the customer are set with the blade applied at 70% operating steam pressure of the Yankee and at the operating pressure of the contact cylinders of the doctor holder. With the same operating steam pressure, the doctor blade holder is fine-profiled either according to the manufacturer's specifications or according to customer requirements. If there are edge fingers, they are also adjusted parallel to the doctor holder or according to customer requirements.

At a Glance: These are the Reasons for a Regular Maintenance of all Components

  • Avoidance of unplanned downtimes due to failure or defect on the doctoring system
  • Reduction of Yankee grinding downtimes
  • Increase of the doctor blade service life

For you, this means a  reliable tissue production with high-quality end products.

You can also find detailed information on the doctor holder service for the tissue industry on our website.

Convinced? Then please contact our experts at