CLOUTH SPRENGER - Making Good Things Even Better

CLOUTH SPRENGER - Making Good Things Even Better
Clouth Sprenger GmbH specializes in the coating of coater blades and creping blades with high-quality ceramic and cermet coatings. Based on our comprehensive experience and in close cooperation with our customers, we continuously work on product optimization.
At the beginning of this year, Clouth Sprenger GmbH had the opportunity to take over the machines used for the coating of blades from voestalpine Precision Strip AB, Sweden.
A Strong Network
We are very pleased with this unique chance, as in this context an agreement has been made that Clouth Sprenger GmbH, will in future employ precision strip steel from the uddeholmstrip® brand.
This steel is well-known worldwide for being the highest quality and having exact surfaces - <<Behind the name Uddeholmstrip are brand and quality that have been as good as their word in the world of steel for generations – for uncompromising material quality and for state of the art machining.>>.*
Double the Benefit for our Customers
With this step, we are able to exploit the full potential for development: Our proven CERADIA® blades now provide our customers with the combined competence in coating and steel qualities. For higher efficiency and higher product quality.
Do you have questions? We answer them gladly!
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